Hi there ! My name is Kristiina Ruoho, and I'm a visual designer, currently living in Helsinki, Finland.
You can contact me for possible freelance or full-time jobs.
EMAIL : kristiina.ruoho@gmail.com PHONE : +358 50 560 7355
Graphic design
I've been doing graphic design for almost twenty years now, both in advertising agencies and as a freelancer. I believe in clear and beautiful designs, that deliver the message in a clever way.
Illustration has always been my forte. I love to draw, both with traditional methods and digitally. I'm especially keen on vector graphics. Painting with acrylics is also a hobby of mine.
Video / Stills
During last year I've been studying Audiovisual communication. Therefore I nowadays make moving graphics and video as well! Photographing, however, is yet also a real passion of mine.