Hanko inspired illustration. Personal / competition work.


Helsinki inspired illustration. Personal / competition work.


Winter card. Personal.


A tribute to Runeberg’s tart (Finnish pastry). Personal.


First of Polar bear illustration series. Personal / competition work.


Handmade zine for Zineton weekend challenge. The rules insisted including the words ‘tiny shorts’, ‘the news’ and the subject ‘random thought’. The work got an honorary mention as “The most stormiest atmosphere”.

A logo design & illustration for a photography trip to Lofoten islands, Norway.


An introduction of myself, in a form of a my essentials gear list.


Jungle animal stickers for UPM Raflatac.


An example of illustrations for S-group Rainbow packaging designs.


Feather illustrations for Finlayson print ad.


‘Onnettomat ottajaiset’. Personal.


‘Kun pilvilinnat romahtavat’. Personal.